You can track your earnings using the Sherpa Driver mobile app or through the web portal.
Driver App
Delivery Activity
- Login to the Sherpa Driver app.
- In the app, navigate to the "My Account" view from the bottom menu.
- Click on your name at the top of the screen.
- Scroll down to view a breakdown of your daily, weekly and monthly earnings and total deliveries completed in that period.
Job History
- In the "My Account" view, go to "Job History".
- This view displays a list of all deliveries you've done in the past along with the total earnings from each delivery.
- Click on the icon to expand and view a breakdown of a specific delivery.
Web Portal
- Login to the Sherpa web app.
- In the left navigation, click on the History icon and navigate to the tab titled "RCTI". Or you can click on the link here.
- From this view you can download your weekly, quarterly and annual earning statements.