If you have to wait at either the pick-up or drop off location, you will be reimbursed for this time. Wait time fees are calculated differently for single deliveries, regular and bulk rate runs. Here is a quick breakdown of how these are calculated based the situation:
- Single pick up deliveries (plus grocery fees for single deliveries if applicable)
- Regular runs (plus grocery fees for runs if applicable)
- Bulk Rate runs
Where wait time applies to a delivery, wait time fees will automatically be applied within 48hrs of that delivery being completed.
Important: Our auto-calculations rely on your phone GPS services being on, and you staying in the same location while waiting. If you move away from the collection area, wait time fees won’t apply.
If you believe you are entitled to a wait time fee but it has not appeared in your job history within that time, please use the form below to request a review with the following information.
Driver ID
Delivery ID
Detailed reason and information to support your request.
Our support team will review your request and get back to you with the outcome. Abuse of this function may result in a warning and/or account deactivation.
Single Delivery
You will be paid $2.34 (including GST) per 5 minutes you have to wait, after the initial first 10 minutes of waiting at either the pick-up or the delivery point.
Regular Runs
- If you have to wait at the pick-up location, the grace period changes from just 10 minutes to 10 minutes + 1 minute per additional delivery in the run:
- For example: if there are 10 deliveries in the run, you will not be eligible for wait time fees until after 19 minutes (10mins for 1st delivery, 1 min for each of the 9 other jobs. 10+9 =19) of waiting
- After the waiting grace period, you will be paid paid $2.34 (including GST) per 5 minutes.
Large Grocery Chain
Bulk Rate Runs
- If you have to wait at the pick-up location, you will be paid 5 minutes for the first delivery, and 1 minute for every other delivery in the run.
- E.g. If there are 10 deliveries in the run, you will not be eligible for wait time fees until after 14 minutes (5mins for 1st delivery, 1 min for each of the 9 other jobs. 5+9 =14)
- After the grace period, you will be paid paid $2.34 (including GST) per 5 minutes you have to wait.
Sherpa believes in creating and maintaining a fair, open and inclusive process for all Driver Partners. Using GPS spoofing apps to manipulate your location may result in permanent account deactivation.