What is the Sherpa Driver Appeal Process? How do I appeal a Warning?

  • Updated

Sherpa is dedicated to maintaining high driver and delivery quality. If you breach the conditions in the Contractor Agreement, you will receive a warning. However, if you believe the warning is unfair, you can appeal it. Here’s how:

1. Respond Quickly: You can appeal a warning by requesting an appeal within five (5) business days from the date the warning was issued.

Complete and submit the Warning Appeal Form.

What Information should you add to the appeal? You should have documentation for your review and always follow processes, procedures, and relevant laws.

2. Review and Consideration: We will review all available information and the conditions outlined in the Community Guidelines. After careful consideration, the warning may be removed or upheld.

For warnings that have resulted in Deactivation from the platform: Your submitted form and evidence will be subject to additional process:

  • We will offer a discussion with a Sherpa representative within five (5) working days of receiving your Warning Appeal Form. You may request a support person (this may not be a legal representative) be present. 

  • Your appeal will be reviewed within five (5) business days of this meeting, and the decision regarding its outcome will be provided in writing.  

  • If the appeal is deemed valid, warning removal or reinstatement may be applied.

3. Handling Complaints: If a client or recipient makes a serious complaint against you, your account may be temporarily suspended during the investigation. Here’s what to expect:

    • You will receive a call letting you know about the complaint.
    • You will be notified via SMS, email, and voicemail if we cannot reach you.


Please Be Patient and Responsive: We understand this process can be stressful, but we appreciate your patience and timely responses to any follow-up questions.

Important Notes

  • Certain decisions, especially those related to violence, inappropriate behaviour, fraudulent activity, and failed mystery shops, will not be accepted for appeal if there is evidence.

For more information on Sherpa's Warning System, please click here.

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